############################################################################# ## ## .tcshrc.set ## ## derived from .tcshrc.set file, part of the TCSHRC project ## at http://tcshrc.sourceforge.net if ( ${uid} == 0 ) set iamroot ## Has two sections, GENERAL and SYSTEM SPECIFIC ## GENERAL #set ignoreeof ## set color_name = '%{^[[ color_code m%}' set rgb_restore = '%{^[[00m%}' set rgb_black = '%{^[[00;30m%}' set rgb_firebrick = '%{^[[00;31m%}' set rgb_red = '%{^[[01;31m%}' set rgb_forest = '%{^[[00;32m%}' set rgb_green = '%{^[[01;32m%}' set rgb_brown = '%{^[[00;33m%}' set rgb_yellow = '%{^[[01;33m%}' set rgb_navy = '%{^[[00;34m%}' set rgb_blue = '%{^[[01;34m%}' set rgb_purple = '%{^[[00;35m%}' set rgb_magenta = '%{^[[01;35m%}' set rgb_cadet = '%{^[[00;36m%}' set rgb_cyan = '%{^[[01;36m%}' set rgb_gray = '%{^[[00;37m%}' set rgb_white = '%{^[[01;37m%}' set rgb_std = "${rgb_white}" if ( ${?iamroot} ) then set rgb_usr = "${rgb_red}" else set rgb_usr = "${rgb_green}" endif if ( `sysctl -n security.jail.jailed` == 1 ) then set _at = "${rgb_yellow}@${rgb_restore}" set _bl = "${rgb_yellow}(${rgb_restore}" set _br = "${rgb_yellow})${rgb_restore}" else set _at = "@" set _bl = "" set _br = "" endif # set prompt = "%B%m%b:%S%/%s%# " # set prompt = "%B%n%b@%B%m%b %c/%# " # also set term window title / icon # set prompt = "%{\033]0;%M^%n:%~\007%}%B%n%b@%B%m%b %c/%# " # New prompt, please try it out. Took me 3 days to get used to it fully. # It's better in some respects than the previous one. # - more space to type command. # - shows username@currenthost currentdirectory # - can double-click with mouse to select so latter can paste somewhere # Source: "UNIX Power Tools" from O'Reilly, note from Tim Cera (timcera@sourceforge.net). #set prompt='\ #%B%n%b@%U%m%u %S%/%s\ #%# ' switch ($TERM) case "dtterm*": # dtterm case "screen*": # screen case "xterm*": #set prompt = "${rgb_usr}%n${rgb_restore}@%B%m%b ${rgb_usr}%c/%#${rgb_restore} " set prompt = "%{\033]0;%M^%n:%~\007%}${_bl}${rgb_usr}%n${rgb_restore}${_at}%B%m%b${_br} ${rgb_usr}%c/%#${rgb_restore} " breaksw; case "sun*": # SunView cmdtool/shelltool case "vt[24]20*": # TNVT and SecureCRT (Windows clients) set prompt = "${_bl}${rgb_usr}%n${rgb_restore}${_at}%B%m%b${_br} ${rgb_usr}%c/%#${rgb_restore} " breaksw; default: set prompt = "%B%n%b@%B%m%b %c/%# " breaksw endsw # Prompt used when waiting for stufffor 'for' or 'while'... set prompt2="%R?" # Prompt used when correcting. # Correct???? # y: yes, n: no, e: edit, a: abort # : yes # : no set prompt3="${rgb_magenta}CORRECT>${rgb_restore} ${rgb_cyan}%B%R%b${rgb_restore} (y|n|e|a)? " set mail = (/var/mail/$USER) #set nobeep set history=2048 set histdup=erase #unset histfile #set histlit set savehist=(1024 merge) set watch=(1 any any) #set who="%n has %a %l from %M." #set inputmode=insert set autolist=ambiguous #set autolist set autocorrect set autoexpand #set complete=enhance set complete #set correct=all set correct=cmd set color set colorcat set filec unset autologout #set symlinks=chase # If the exit value is non-zero, print it. # Very handy when you do scripting. #set printexitvalue set rmstar set fignore=(.o) # Various statistics. # You can unset it or set it (it is set a bit later). #unset time #set time="%Uu %Ss %E %P %X+%Dk %I+%Oio %Fpf+%Ww" # Do "man tcsh" to find about more data that can be shown # with this command. I have used only those that are available # on a Linux box without kernel debugging enabled. # That is, a stock kernel from a distribution. #set time=(8 "\ #Time spent in user mode (CPU seconds) : %Us\ #Time spent in kernel mode (CPU seconds) : %Ss\ #Total time : %Es\ #CPU utilisation (percentage) : %P\ #Times the process was swapped : %W\ #Times of major page faults : %F\ #Times of minor page faults : %R") #set time=(8 "\ #User:%Us Kernel:%Ss Total:%Es CPU:%P swapped:%W I/O:%I+%O") set time=(8 "\ Usr: %Us Krnl: %Ss Totl: %Es CPU: %P swppd: %W I/O: %I+%O") ## unset previously created internal variables unset rgb_restore unset rgb_black unset rgb_firebrick unset rgb_red unset rgb_forest unset rgb_green unset rgb_brown unset rgb_yellow unset rgb_navy unset rgb_blue unset rgb_purple unset rgb_magenta unset rgb_cadet unset rgb_cyan unset rgb_gray unset rgb_white unset rgb_std unset rgb_usr unset rgb_usr unset iamroot